A trowelled Non-Porous Flooring for water applications with Polyolefin

In my latest post in this blog, I explained the Play and Splash system from Polysoft. This was a permeable system for dry and wet applications.

When a non-porous system is needed, you can use the one I’ll present here. The post today is about the versatile and adaptable system in the Polysoft portfolio named Aquatrak®.

Sample of AQUATRAK mix of colours

Aquatrak®  is a trowelled surface, with a finish that is perfect for pool decks and indoor water parks where an impermeable system is a must.

The impervious texture of the system makes it easier to clean than porous surfaces and keeps maintenance to a minimum and at the same time has a good slip-resistance, also essential for safer water applications.

Aquatrak Profile

The Aquatrak® has a low profile of 4mm – 6mm and can be installed over concrete or painted surfaces. You only need to remove the paint, grind the concrete and with this minimal preparation on the site you are ready to apply Aquatrak.

As I explained for the Splash system this flooring also offers a cooler temperature of the surface compared to concrete, asphalt and rubber finishes and very vibrant colours which last without fading due to UV radiations for longer than any other rubber system.

This resistance is achieved as in all Polysoft systems thanks to the combination of colourfast pigments and a high quality two-part aliphatic polyurethane binder.

The use on this system of the two-part HTR Gel Flexible Epoxy make it suitable for vertical application.

Different views of Aquatrak® applications

I believe this system is ideal for pool decks and indoor water parks as well as spas and hotel water play areas for kids.

I will talk about other interesting non-porous systems on my next post.

You can get additional information about Polysoft products or get product samples at:


Take care

Published by francescruz

I help installers of playgrounds and fitness spaces provide a safer surfacing for our loved ones. I do it at CONICA AG.