Rubberman is back

A few months have passed since April when I announced the agreement for the termination of my contract with CONICA AG.

I also explained my lack of desire for an early retire and my decision to start activities as a Freelancer, to offer my services to other companies, within my areas of expertise. I also wrote at that post that it was better to end my RUBBERMAN blog and that it would be my last article on the blog.

Since then, I have received several requests from readers asking me to continue publishing articles on this blog and various proposals for hiring my professional services from very attractive and solid companies.
Unfortunately some of these proposals fall, at least temporarily, within the contractual limitations of non-competition with my previous company or with my first newly signed agreement as a freelancer.

Despite these limitations, the main advantage of being a Freelancer is that to some extent you can choose your clients, among the companies you most admire, and I can happily announce my first deals.

I have always behaved as an independent writer, without pressure from the companies I cooperate with, but for transparency I like to always make my agreements known to my readers.

Since the beginning of May I started my part-time collaboration with the KOMPAN subsidiary for Spain-Italy-Portugal. I have already worked in the KOMPAN Group for many years in different responsibilities and countries, so to be back with many of my old colleagues and friends, in such an amazing company, is priceless.

Most recently I signed a cooperation agreement with POLYSOFT Pty Ltd (Australia), a company that I met for the first time near a decade ago during a FSB fair in Cologne and I can tell you that I was really surprised by the great system they were presenting at that time, that was as new for me as innovative for the rest of the safety flooring specialists.

In my next articles on this blog, I will be talking about the Polysoft system based on polyolefin beads and aliphatic binders and about other interesting flooring systems in their portfolio. If you have a project and need information or samples, please contact us at:

Now is the time to resume the blog after 6 months of silence. I am sure you will find the Polysoft products as interesting as I do, and I hope the next posts will be helpful for you. I will also try to show new projects and explain some details about them.

Rubberman Blog was talking until now mainly about rubber flooring but from now on although still on the elastomers family I will be more shifting to the Plastomer Flooring side.

As always let me know your comments or questions. I will do my best to answer them.

Take care.

Published by francescruz

I help installers of playgrounds and fitness spaces provide a safer surfacing for our loved ones. I do it at CONICA AG.